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Dog Ear Infections: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Dog Ear Infections: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

When a dog’s ears get an infection, the poor fellow seems to be miserable and helpless in front of it. Looking at its condition, the owner also becomes upset and starts finding a cure to put an end to their furry family member’s discomfort. According to Schwarzman Animal Medical Center, there was a study that drew information from nearly 1 million dogs in the UK, where 7% of dogs experienced an ear infection on an annual basis. In a canine’s case, a typical ear infection causes the inflammation of the ear canal, which is the tube carrying sound to the eardrum, enabling it to hear properly. 

A dog owner must try to understand the types, symptoms, causes, and other ear infection-related solutions so their best friend does not have to suffer the pain or uneasiness and their hearing becomes normal again. 

Can you relate to the situation if your dog is also having an ear infection and you are searching for ways to offer it permanent relief? Then, luck is in your favour, as this blog’s main purpose is to make you fully aware of the types, symptoms, ways to treat, and how to prevent further ear infections in the future. 


What Are The Different Types Of Dog Ear Infections?

Your dog’s ear infection is categorized into three main types. What are they/ Let’s discuss:

Otitis Externa

When it comes to dogs, then otitis externa is the most common type of ear infection. Over here, you will witness the inflammation of the outer ear canal. You must be wondering how it is caused. Well, mites, yeast, or bacteria are usually the culprits involved in causing Otitis externa. The symptoms of this particular infection consist of head shaking, redness, and discharge from the ears. 

Otitis Media

Otitis media affects the middle ear, which is behind the eardrum. The spread of infection from the outer ear or bacteria that make their way into the middle ear through the Eustachian tube is usually the primary cause of otitis media. Its symptoms comprise loss of hunger, fever, loss of hearing, and tilting of the head due to discomfort.

Otitis Interna

Otitis interna is the least common type of ear infection in dogs. It causes discomfort due to inflammation of the ear. Your dog will have trouble maintaining its balance, tilting its head, and circling. 

Dog’s Ear Infection: The Common Symptoms

As an affectionate dog parent, you will want to know how to identify that your dog is getting irritated due to an ear infection. Therefore, we are sharing the primary symptoms so you can take your pal to the vet to address them right away so there are not many complications as well. These are as follows:

Shaking Of Head 

Excessive shaking of the head is one of the most prominent signs when your dog’s ear gets infected if you see them doing this repetitively, then they are trying to decrease the itchy feeling and the uneasiness. This leads to hindering their balance and the ability to hear your instructions or other sounds. 

Scratching at the Ears

To gain some relaxation from the pain, your dog will frequently scratch at their ears with the help of its paws. The vigorous movement can tell that the infection is irritating your dog a bit too much. And your dog’s scratching style can adversely affect the ear canal. Hence, scratching of ears means to take them to the vet. 

Discharge From The Ear

Then, witnessing a certain kind of discharge coming out of their ear contributes to the dog’s ear infection symptom list. How does this discharge look? It can vary in terms of colour and consistency. For instance, the colour could be yellow or transform into a darker and thicker substance. Plus, an unpleasant smell will come out with the discharge as well. Therefore, if you see this sign, consider it as an indication that your dog’s ear is infected. 

Swelling and Redness

One easy symptom to identify is when your dog’s ear becomes red with inflammation. You will see both around its ear flap and where the ear canal opens. The strangely bigger ear will show you the swelling. Hence, pay close attention to redness and swelling. 


Like human beings, the experience of an ear infection for your dog is also painful. You may find your dog displaying signs of immense discomfort, such as crying, whining, and keeping your hand away from touching the infected part of the ear. If such a situation occurs, then don’t make your furry friend tolerate the pain and take them to the vet. 

Tilting Head

At times, dogs with ear infections may tilt their heads to one side. They do this to comfort themselves from the pain, thinking that tilting their heads might help them hear better than keeping their heads normal. Therefore, if your dog does the same, then that is a symptom of an ear infection. 

Losing Balance or Coordination

When humans get severe ear infections, which are also in the middle ear, that leads to losing balance or coordination. The same impact is in your dog’s case as well. Acute ear infections interfere with the dog’s walking, and it becomes a challenge for it to balance and coordinate its movement. As a result, you will see your dog not being able to jump over heights, walking in a circular motion, and stumbling against things as the infection interrupts the overall balance. Hence, observe how your dog is walking and take it to the vet if necessary. 


Temporary Hearing Loss

Your dog might face hearing loss when its ear gets infected. Don’t worry; it will not be permanent, but temporary. Due to this, you will see drastic changes in your dog’s usual behaviour. For instance, it will become too sensitive to noises or have difficulty registering your commands. Like, even if you stand behind it, your dog will fail to hear your walking steps. In other situations, it won’t bark at the ringing of the bell, as it can’t hear properly. So, if your furry fellow has stopped responding, then chances are that it is suffering from temporary hearing loss and needs a vet’s assistance. 

Irritability and Lethargy 

The ear infection will be no less than a nightmare for your dog. It will feel irritating as the sounds and voices bounce back instead of registering. As a result, your dog will feel more lethargic and prefer staying distant from you and other family members because it will not understand what is happening and what the owner expects him to do. Hence, if you see it lying like that, then kindly take it to the vet so your dog can get relief from the hassle.

What Are The Common Causes Of An Ear Infection?

In the United Kingdom, it is normal for a dog’s ears to get infected, and there are several factors that contribute to this uncomfortable experience. Let’s shed light on the various causes so you know what is troubling your pup: 


The infection in your dog’s ear can be due to allergies that might be present already as well. According to Purely Pets Insurance, up to 75% of ear infections are thought to be because of underlying allergies. So, the following kinds of allergies can annoy your dog: 

Environmental Allergies

If your dog spends the majority of its time living and roaming outdoors, then there is a high possibility that it can develop environmental allergies. What are these kinds of allergies? Well, in simple terms, it means that your dog can have an allergy to pollen, dust mites, or grass, which tends to cause ear infections and itchiness on the skin as well. 

Food Allergies

Besides pollen, dust mites, and grass, your dog can also have food allergies. These can also be the culprit behind your dog’s ear infection. According to Woodward Veterinary Practice, the most common food allergens for dogs comprise proteins such as chicken and beef. Dairy products and grains like soy and wheat. Check if your dog was offered these edible items, as these stimulate irritations in the ear canal as well. 

Ear Mites 

If it’s the first time you are reading about ear mites, then we will tell you more about them. These are tiny parasites that reside in your dog’s ear canal and grow on skin cells and ear wax. According to Blue Cross, the adult mites live for nearly two months but possess a rapid multiplying speed. When they start infecting your dog’s ear, your pup will feel severe swelling and itchiness. 

Bacteria and Yeast

Some levels of bacteria and yeast are normal to be found in your dog’s ear, but it’s the overgrowth of either of the two that leads to an ear infection. Once it exceeds the average range, your dog will be found itching its ears. And that constant itching will create swelling with the secretion of an unpleasant discharge. Therefore, if you witness that, then get in touch with your vet. 

Ear Structure

Believe it or not, your dog’s ear structure also plays a critical role in causing an ear infection. Dogs with floppy and long ears are more vulnerable to infection. These kinds of ears don’t permit air to circulate freely, and moisture keeps building up. Therefore, if your dog has those ears, it might cause infection and pain. 

What Are The Different Treatments For Your Dog’s Ear Infection?

The vet will know better what treatment will be the best to cure your dog’s ear infection. The selection of the method will largely depend on the existing cause and how severe the reaction is. Therefore, you can expect the vet to make the most out of the following options:

Cleaning The Ears

The most common treatment is cleaning the ears. The vet might use gentle cotton balls or a swab, insert them in the pup's ears, and remove the discharge and debris that interfere with the pup’s hearing and command registration. 

Ear Medications

Then, ear medications such as ointments made with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory or antifungal, as well as ear drops, can be given and suggested to you for future use to finish the infection. Furthermore, the University of Nottingham and the University of Birmingham have shared their new research, where the highlight is that blue light holds the potential to kill antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria isolated from ear infections in dogs. The researchers revealed that some frequencies of the blue light killed at least 99% of the bacteria. Plus, when they combined blue light with antibiotic treatment, the results were more effective.  


Systemic Medications

If the vet labels your dog’s case as severe, they might proceed with the relevant oral medications. These help gradually finish the infection, allowing your dog to hear again. 

Addressing Underlying Causes

In case your dog has some underlying health conditions that are getting triggered and resulting in an ear infection, then those also need to be addressed. Therefore, when your vet asks you about your pet, clearly mention the relevant details so they pick the correct treatment method. 

How To Prevent Dog Ear Infections?

You cannot entirely stop your dog’s ear from catching an infection, but yes, you can practise a few methods to prevent dog ear infections in the future. They are as follows: 

Cleaning Ear Regularly

How often do you clean your dog’s ears? Weekly? Monthly? It is time to do that more often now. Remember to clean your dog’s ears, especially after bathing or returning after swimming. This will stop the extra wax and moisture from getting stored in your dog’s ears. Plus, don’t clean its ears with any random cleaner, but only go for the cleaner that your vet recommends using. 

Check For Foreign Objects

If your dog shows similar symptoms again, then sit with it and check for foreign objects. While roaming outside, unknowingly foreign objects can enter and get stuck in your dog’s ear canal, causing itchiness or head tilting. Therefore, use a torch to see whether any such thing is not irritating your dog. If it is, then try removing them with a gentle plucker. 

Look For Signs Of Infection

You should be aware of the multiple symptoms of a dog’s ear infection such as tilting his head, losing its balance, not responding to you or barking at unfamiliar faces. As soon as you identify these signs, then you should instantly get in touch with the vet and provide comfort to your wagging tail as soon as possible. 

Control Allergies 

If you know that your dog has had allergies since it was young, then tell the vet clearly so that you both can cooperate in managing them and select the most suitable method. In this way, the treatment will cure your dog’s ear infection without causing further harm to its health. 

Regular Check-ups

Don’t assume that it cannot happen again once your dog’s infection has ended. If you take things casually, your dog can catch ear infections multiple times and maybe more severe ones. Therefore, it is highly recommended to keep going to the vet for regular check-ups, as the doctors can monitor through professional techniques and tell you about potential issues. 

Additional Tips To Consider

Besides the major causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevention techniques, we are sharing some additional tips to consider so your dog does not encounter this issue again:

Avoid Inserting Cotton Swabs

Your mind will say to use that cotton swab to clean your dog’s ears, but you need to avoid it at any cost. Be it a cotton swab or other objects, which you consider a cleaning source, are actually the reasons for more damage. Using these will only push the debris further inside the ear canal. Therefore, never use it. 

No Need For Excessive Bathing 

There is no need for excessive bathing. Why? Frequent bathing boosts the chances of your dog’s ear infection and drying up its skin. Therefore, it is better to schedule a day to bathe your dog and properly clean the ears.

Pick Appropriate Ear Cleaners

When you go to buy things for your dog, make sure to pick the appropriate ear cleaners. The random ones may harm your dog’s ear canal, worsening the infection. So, use the ear cleaners exclusively formulated to clean your dog’s ears. Also note that you have to avoid using ear drops made for human usage, as there is a big difference. Get the right thing to see your dog happy again. 

Show Patience During The Treatment 

Avoid expecting that your dog’s ear infection treatment will show results overnight. These things take time. For instance, it can take many weeks to eradicate the infection from your dog’s ears. Therefore, you must show patience during the treatment and strictly follow the vet’s instructions instead of following the idea of leaving it in between. Otherwise, your dog will keep struggling to maintain their balance while walking and hearing your voice.


Since we have provided you with the important details surrounding the dog’s ear infection, such as types, symptoms, causes, treatments, and prevention, you will now know how to deal with your dog’s ear infection or head to the vet. Just follow the above-mentioned ways, and you and your pup will be good to go.


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