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what is the best crate for a husky

What is the Best Crate for a Husky?

What is the best crate for a husky?

Well, there isn't just one answer to this question. When it comes to dog crates, one size does NOT fit all. The process for picking out the best crate for your husky is about as intricate as shopping for the perfect shirt.

Finding the most appropriate dog crate for your husky breed involves a few crucial steps. You'll need to decide where and how you'll be using this crate, understand your dog's crate behavior and measure your dog to help you choose which crate will be best for your husky.

We've compiled all of the important questions to ask yourself when choosing your dog's new crate. 

Scroll to the bottom of this article to see which crates our customers have chosen for their huskies!

Use the code HUSKY for 15% off your purchase of an Impact Dog Crate.

dog crate for husky puppy

Step 1: Decide how and where you will be using your dog's crate.

Planning ahead will save you time and extra effort. Here are several important questions to ask yourself before choosing a crate model:

Do I plan on using this crate for the vehicle only?
Is this crate for the bed of a truck?
Is this crate for at-home use only?
Will my dog use this crate everyday or is this just for vet trips and traveling?
Does my pup need a comfortable crate for vet-recommended crate rest?
Am I looking for a heavy duty crate to replace my dog's damaged plastic or wire kennel?
Is this going to be my puppy's crate when they're fully grown?
Am I planning a trip that requires flying my dog in a crate?
Do I want a crate for all-around use?
Do I plan on stacking multiple crates?
Am I trying to fit crates side-by-side in a car?
Do I need an escape-proof crate to keep my dog safe when I'm away from home?


Step 2: Assess your dog's temperament.

Unless your husky is a young puppy or recently adopted, by now you probably know your dog's personality quite well. Also, you may know what he or she is capable of.

Do you trust your husky to stay out of trouble when unsupervised? Is your dog comfortable in a crate when left alone for short or long periods of time? Does your dog prefer to sleep in his crate? Does your husky voluntarily choose to spend time in his crate? Has your husky shown signs of separation anxiety?


Step 3: Choose the most appropriate crate model.

Now that you're thinking about every possibility for your crate, it's time to narrow your options to the most appropriate crate model for your dog and your lifestyle. (Scroll to the bottom of this article to see which crates some of our customers have chosen for their huskies!)

Your dog's safety is the biggest priority when choosing a dog crate. Consider your dog's level of crate anxiety when picking out a crate model. Each Impact Crate model is designed for a specific purpose. For example, if your husky needs a heavy-duty dog crate, it's best to look into our High Anxiety crate. On the other hand, if your dog is calm in crates, she may be fine with the Stationary model instead of additional escape-proof features.



Enjoy 15% off your purchase of an Impact Dog Crate with the code HUSKY.

The Collapsible Dog Crate:

Ideal for storing in small places and carrying. Folds down to under 8 inches in briefcase form in less than a minute (crate shown above).

Most commonly used as a crate for flying and overnight trips, especially for sport and show dogs. Accessories for the Collapsible crate are specifically designed for airline compliance.  Wheel carts and door guards can be used with this crate too. Includes front and back door options.

Collapsible crate sizes for husky breeds range from the 34-inch up to 48-inch.

Please note that the Collapsible model is not recommended for pets with anxiety issues, destructive tendencies or escape habits. Check out the High Anxiety crate and its 10-year Dog Damage Protection Warranty.


The Stationary Dog Crate:

The best dog crate for all-around use. Most often used as permanent transport crates in vehicles, truck beds and for daily at-home crates. This crate is especially recommended for those who plan to fit multiple crate side-by-side in a vehicle. Equally as lightweight as the Collapsible model, making it easy to carry. Fully assembled with optional airline rail attachments for flying. Available in 7 sizes for the best fit possible. Includes front and side door options. Not designed for destructive pups.

Stationary crate sizes for husky breeds range from the 34-inch up to 48-inch.  



Add a Side Door 


Add a side door to your Stationary Dog Crate for an additional entry point. 

This nifty add-on adds convenience with an extra entrance for your easy in-and-out, perfect for homes with limited space, or tight spots like the back of a car. It's simple to attach and keeps your crate strong, breezy, and durable – perfect for homes and adventures!

Note: The Side Door Add-On is only compatible with Stationary Dog Crates purchased after 04/05/2023.

- Side Door not available for 20", 24", and 48" lengths.



The High Anxiety Dog Crate:

This crate (above) is popular among husky breeds most likely due to their escape-artist tendencies (smart pups!) The High Anxiety crate is specifically designed to protect houdini dogs, crate chewers, dogs with storm phobia, and pups who show signs of separation anxiety. If your dog has broken out of at least one crate in the past, then we highly recommend this crate. This crate is a long lasting tool for helping your dog with separation anxiety. It's our ONLY crate model with a 10-year dog damage protection warranty and is constructed of twice the thickness of aluminum.

High Anxiety crate sizes for husky breeds range from 34-inch up to 48-inch. It's important not to choose a size that will be too roomy for your dog in this crate. We suggest picking a size closest to your dog's measurements or contacting our support team for recommendations.


Step 4: What is the best crate size for a husky?

To choose the best crate size for your husky, there are two recommended options:

One way to determine crate sizing for your husky breed is to measure your dog's length (tip of nose to base of tail, not including tail) and height (from floor to top of ears). This method is helpful for sizing if you have a mixed breed husky or a smaller/larger than average dog of a specific breed. 
We recommend measuring your dog if you're planning to use the crate for pet cargo on planes. The ideal airline crate for a dog is one that they can comfortably stand up, turn around, and lay down in. 
Once you know your dog's length and height, go to our sizing page to see all crate dimensions. 

The other suggestion for finding the best crate size is based off of dog breeds. Our sales reps are happy to provide size recommendations based on your husky's specific breed.

We don't recommend taking a wild guess when choosing your dog's crate size for several reasons. If you "guesstimate" your husky's measurements just by looking at him or if you try to pick a crate size based on their weight and breed, you may end up with a crate that is way too big or too short for your dog. 

If you have any questions when choosing a crate size, feel free to contact us and we'll be happy to help!


If you're planning to fly your husky as pet cargo, read this first: Everything you need to know before flying with your dog. 

If you will be transporting your pup in this crate, be sure to measure your vehicle's cargo area and then look at crate dimensions.  You can downsize your dog's crate to fit better in your vehicle, as your dog most likely won't be spinning around in his crate and it can also be safer to have less extra room in the event of an accident. The Stationary crates fit best side-by-side in vehicles without the optional airline rails attached. 


Check out our customers' crates for their huskies!



colorful dog crates for huskies

Lime Green size 40-inch (wide + tall model) Stationary crate // size 40-inch (wide + tall model) High Anxiety crate // Purple and Teal size 34-inch Collapsible crates (PC: Desiree A.)


Collapsible Crates

purple teal folding dog crates

huskies in colorful collapsible impact crates @hpandthefloofs showing off their Collapsible crates. Size 40-inch crates and one blue size 48-inch crate.

blue size 700 impact crate

 @hpandthefloofs with their size 48-inch Collapsible crate.

white collapsible impact crate for husky

@jasperthefriendlyfluff and his new white size 40-inch (wide + tall model) Collapsible crate.

crate training husky

"After a few days of adjustment, Blaze approves of his new crate!" -Jason E. (size 40-inch Collapsible)

malamute in custom dog crate

"Silas is not a big fan of car rides. He will curl up and nervously pant and drool all over. Any time we hit the brakes he’ll keep looking up with ears back and eyes big like he expects the car to cave in at any second. I purchased this “velociraptor cage” as my step-dad calls it from @impactdogcrates to help Silas feel secure and to keep him safe in case his worst fear comes true. I usually have to drag and bribe him into the car. Today he ran to the car and hopped right in." @my_guy_si  in size 48-inch Collapsible OD Green in a 2010 Toyota Rav4

husky on dog grooming crate

@keahi_siberians with the size 34-inch Collapsible (older model).


Stationary Crates

dog crates for siberian huskies

"Our new crates arrived today! Plenty of room in the 40-inch sizes from @impactdogcrates"  @mika_and_axel (Stationary crates)

husky in stationary crate

@thekodashow in a white 40-inch (wide + tall model) Stationary crate.

siberian husky in teal stationary 500 impact crate

@zaraonmaui in her teal size 40-inch (wide + tall model) Stationary crate.

Stationary Side Door Crates 

side door crate for malamute

@lifeofcaddi in size 42-inch Side Door Stationary. 

High Anxiety Crates

escaped plastic dog kennel

"Good thing we ordered an @impactdogcrates yesterday. Yes, he squeezed through that hole. The husky genes are strong in this pomsky.." @super_pup_squad 

crate for husky puppy

 @thehusky_koa in size 48-inch High Anxiety crate.

husky in high anxiety crate

"Ren loves his new crate so far. Just came today and he's already in it. Wish us luck :) " - size 40-inch (wide + tall model) High Anxiety crate

husky sleeping in high anxiety crate

update: "Ren has been sleeping in his new kennel everyday without any prompting. Makes me happy! He also was in there for 2 hours while we were gone with a camera on him and he actually slept."  - @giessenjamie 


husky escaped wire crate

separation anxiety in dogs

"Since I’ve had Loki he has had severe separation anxiety. No matter what I did. I researched different techniques and training but no matter what the moment he was left alone he would freak out and try to escape his crate, swipe to see videos of the times he did escape. He has destroyed $500 or more worth of shoes, gotten into food, clothes and destroyed the crate I had for him. He also had permanently scarred his nose and face from trying to escape. I was at my wits end on what to do and I didn’t want to start resenting my dog." - @caitdallas

husky with separation anxiety

“So thanks to @misss_kristie_o Who helped me discover @impactdogcrates. I can happily say my mind is at ease that Loki is safe from harming himself and destroying anything further.”LOKI in his new @impactdogcrates high anxiety crate." - @caitdallas (size 42-inch High Anxiety crate). Read the full article here.


wire dog crate damaged

“I have a 6 month old low content wolfdog puppy and so far... no crate has withstood him. He’s been through 7 different crates (all different brands) and has managed to bend them, break them and escape. It’s become extremely expensive and I’m losing faith that a crate can hold him.” -@goldilocksandthewolf 

wolf dogs in high anxiety crate

“Dovah broke out and escaped 7 different crates/kennels...The High Anxiety crate is the first crate he’s comfortable, safe and happy in. He goes in on his own and loves that it’s his ‘own’ space. And he can hide treats from his brother!” -@goldilocksandthewolf (size 48-inch High Anxiety crate)

high anxiety escape proof crate review for husky

@adogandherpeople cozy inside the size 40-inch High Anxiety crate.

husky with high anxiety crate

“Traditional wire kennels did not stand up to Laika. Nor did plastic airline ones. Not even the drywall and flooring of our vet office could tame this wild beast, and she spent almost 8 months on the run as a stray after ripping through their wall! 😱 But you know what DOES stand up to our legendary escape artist?  Our high anxiety Impact crate! Thank you to the folks over at @impactdogcrates for designing such a high quality product and helping keep Laika happy and safe at home, and our friends @adogandacat for lending us their crate to test out!  We give it Five Paws Up!” @laika_in_atx  (size 42-inch High Anxiety crate)

"We have loved this @impactdogcrates for Koda. He's a big dog and needs a big crate, and this one helps contain his separation anxiety super well. Seriously the peace of mind we've gotten from having this is unmatched." -@beanxoverland (Size 42" High Anxiety crate with High Anxiety Door Guard in Ram.)


Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for more blog posts! 


what is the best crate for a husky

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