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Testimonial: The Only Crate that Could Contain this Destructive Dog

Testimonial: The Only Crate that Could Contain this Destructive Dog

As any dog owner knows, coming home to a torn up home is one of the quickest ways to have your day (or week) ruined. Unfortunately, this is a common experience of many pet owners. Something as simple as a quick grocery store run can have unexpected consequences when you return to find that your couch cushions and baseboards have become victims of dog destruction. Needless to say, having a destructive dog can be a source of lots of stress and frustration for dog owners. 

In many cases, destructive behavior- such as chewing or tearing personal items, is caused by dog anxiety. Yes, just like us humans, dogs are prone to experiencing mental struggles such as anxiety disorders. When experiencing anxiety, many dogs resort to these destructive tendencies as a way to self soothe and get rid of this pent-up energy. Unfortunately, this can wreak havoc on your home (and bank account). Thus, it’s crucial that dog owners manage their dog’s anxiety to keep their home- and pet safe. 

Fortunately, there are ways to stop dogs’ destructive behavior by properly addressing their anxiety. Here are our top tips for reducing your dog’s anxiety to ensure their safety, comfort, and happiness. 

5 tips for managing anxiety in dogs

  1. Exercise them. Not only is exercise proven to be vital for dogs’ health and wellbeing, but physical activity releases endorphins- which is great for reducing anxiety. Dog owners should aim to exercise their dogs every day, whether that be through a walk or even a game of fetch. 
  2. Give them a safe space. One of the most effective ways to reduce your dog’s stress and anxiety is to give them a safe, private space where they can relax away from potential stressors. By doing this, you are providing your dog with a calming environment that they can easily retreat to when they’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious. For anxious dogs, it’s especially important that their safety and security be prioritized, which is why many dog owners and professionals worldwide choose the Impact High Anxiety Dog Crate. Specifically engineered to protect anxious or destructive dogs, this escape-proof crate is the most trusted dog crate for ensuring the safety of your pup and home. 
  3. Utilize personal items. Another tip for soothing anxious dogs is to give them a few items with your scent on them. For many dogs, their anxiety can be heightened when they are separated from their owners. By giving them an article of clothing (or another personal item), your scent can encourage them to be calm and relaxed whenever you’re not around. 
  4. Create a routine. Establishing a routine for your dog might sound quite trivial, but doing so can actually be incredibly beneficial in boosting your dog’s mental health and wellbeing. Many dogs thrive when they have a routine, as this can provide comfort and stability for them. By following simple daily routines in your dog’s life, such as after-meal walks or specific feeding times, you can help minimize the stress and anxiety that may come with constant changes to your dog’s daily schedule, activities, or environment. 
  5. Consider specialized care. In some cases, dogs with more extreme cases of anxiety may require more specialized care. If the above tips are not successful in reducing your dog’s anxiety, it may be time to consult with your veterinarian. Your veterinarian will be able to recommend more advanced solutions tailored for severe anxiety cases. This may include prescription medications or even natural supplements such as CBD oils. 

Testimonial: The Only Crate that Could Contain this Destructive Dog

Meet Nova, a Belgian Malinois that suffers from separation anxiety. After destroying everything from a couch to a door, Nova’s owner, Travis, knew he needed to find a solution to protect his dog and home. Continue reading to learn how investing in the right dog crate made all the difference for Nova’s anxiety. 

Choosing the right crate for a Belgian Malinois

Belgian Malinois are a high-energy breed of dog that are renowned for their agility and intelligence. Often utilized as working dogs for police departments and search and rescue programs, these dogs are very sought after for their impressive mental and physical ability. That being said, Belgian Malinois, like many other dog breeds, may require more specialized care and training. 

For owners of Belgian Malinois, finding a dog crate that can withstand their strength and determination is essential. This is where many flimsy wire or plastic dog crates tend to get disqualified. This is because traditional wire or plastic crates offer very little durability and security for dogs, and weak crates are definitely no match for a Belgian Malinois. Fortunately, there are heavy-duty dog crates specifically designed to protect high-drive and high-energy dogs such as Malinois. 

The #1 crate choice for Anxious Dogs: Impact Dog Crates

The Impact High Anxiety Dog Crate is a one-of-a-kind dog crate engineered specifically to protect anxious and destructive dogs. Constructed from heavy-duty aluminum, this escape-proof crate is equipped with advanced security features to ensure the safety of your dog- and home. Unlike wire or plastic dog crates, the Impact High Anxiety Dog Crate offers a lifetime of protection for even the most destructive escape-artist dogs. Plus, it’s even backed up with a Lifetime Dog Damage Guarantee, meaning if your dog breaks it, we’ll replace it! So, by investing in an Impact High Anxiety Dog Crate, you can say goodbye to the stressful home destruction, and instead enjoy peace of mind knowing your dog and home are safe and secure. 



Nova's Journey 

"My wife’s job went home full time since Covid. While we didn’t really see how this was going to affect us until it was too late. Our girl had EXTREMELY bad separation anxiety. From giving her the house to roam around in and then moving to a smaller room caged off. Tore down curtains, to eating a couch & a door. Things are replaceable, but the fear of her eating something that could kill her or spending $1k’s on vet bills."

The price isn’t cheap for one of these crates! We talked for a few days and came to the conclusion that we NEED to be able to leave the house and not stress the whole time we’re out. It was to the point that we’d take turns leaving the house. We tried those cheaper crates and after the 1st night away (3hrs) we wouldn’t do it again. Plus the fact of having to run zip ties just to make sure she doesn’t bust down the door or even worse, get stuck and suffocate herself. 

 "3 things I love about this crate! 

1. Unboxing and a video to walk you through it! That’s when I knew the price was more than fair 

  1. I had just as much anxiety leaving her alone and always rushing home. This crate gives us freedom and not fear! 
  2. Customer Service A+ ! Issues or questions you have someone to answer your questions! No stupid bots, real people wanting to make sure your fur baby is safe."



Thank you, Travis, for sharing Nova's story! The Impact Dog Crates team is so relieved that she now has an Impact Dog Crate to prioritize her comfort and safety.  


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