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finally some peace of mind testimonial article two dogs sitting in impact high anxiety crate

Finally Some Peace of Mind for Chai and Her Family



dog on high anxiety impact dog crate 

“We’ve been continuously working really hard with Chai’s reactivity towards strangers, other dogs, skateboards, and garbage trucks. Chai continues to make tremendous progress: We are able to easily redirect her focus, she’s more than happy to look at us for guidance instead of reacting, and most importantly she’s living her best most low stress life possible 😭🙌. Even though the majority of our days are ups we still have our set backs, which is fine because you can’t control every situation.

cute husky mix dogs in front of vibrant wall

Living in an apartment complex comes with some set backs: maintenance coming in unannounced and renovations that would constantly set off fire alarms (such a piercing and loud noise). Last year we came home to Chai greeting us at the front door and what should have been a heart melting moment turned into panic. Earlier maintenance had entered our apartment unannounced and within minutes Chai was able to bend all the metal bars of her crate, squeezed herself out (unscathed thank goodness), and scare away the “intruders." Luckily we have a baby gate set up near our entrance so no one was hurt 🙏.

This prompted our search for a crate that would keep Chai safe and out of harm's way. We did a lot of research, read many reviews, reached out to a bunch of people for their opinions, looked at different types of crates, asked a lot of questions, and in the end we decided on Impact Dog Crates High Anxiety crate . The day we received the crate Chai immediately jumped on board (literally) and was eager to check out her new digs. When she needs her space she will excuse herself into her crate, she’ll bring her snacks and chews in, she’ll even go belly up while cuddling her favorite toy, and best of all we will have peace of mind that she will be safe and secure in our home again 😭💕.”  - @chutneyandchai

dogs in high anxiety impact dog crate


dogs in high anxiety impact dog crate escape proof


Our popular "Houdini-Proof" crate is meticulously engineered to protect pets who suffer from severe separation anxiety.


- Constructed of twice the thickness of Aluminum than our other crate models

- Carefully welded and riveted together to ensure security and durability

- Includes a stainless-steel Paddle Latch and 4 additional Butterfly Latches

Closely placed door bars are designed to help prevent chewing

- Our only crate that includes a 10-year, Dog Damage Protection Warranty! No questions asked- free replacement parts, or even crate replacement, is provided within this timespan.

Click photo below to learn more about our High Anxiety crate! 


dog with severe separation anxiety comfortable in high anxiety impact crate

 See the original Instagram post here: @chutneyandchai


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