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Canadian Bros Blog Takeover!!!

Canadian Bros Blog Takeover!!!

Who is Canadian Bros? 

You may know them as Jasper & Louie the Pomsky & Eskiemute! They live with their owner Rodson in the core of downtown Calgary, AB Canada and make daily trips to the off-leash dog parks within 10 minutes away! On weekends, you'll find them with family, friends or in the mountains! One could they are they are the ultimate adventure pups!


Who are the Pups?  

Jasper was a clearance puppy Rodson adopted when he was 6 months old and unfortunately, he is still very shy and usually takes 2-3 meetings before he warms up to strangers. After a year and half of training Jasper, Rodson adopted Louie to be his “Social Protector” and now he takes all the attention away from Jasper which works out perfectly for them both. Louie was born in care 2 days after his mother was rescued from a hoarding of 140 dogs. Rodson was approved to adopt Louie at 10 weeks old after proving to the local shelter that Jasper and he were the perfect match for Louie. Jasper got his name because of his Blue eyes and white coat to represent the clear blue waters and white caps of Jasper National Park of Canada. Louie is named for his hazel eyes with various colors from Lake Louise all season long. Named after 2 of Canada's Well traveled National Parks brought what is now a known the @CanadianBros 


Where have they traveled? 

Jasper, Louie, and Rodson have traveled most of The National Parks in Alberta which includes: Jasper, Lake Louise, Banff, and Wateron. They are often in Kananaskis Country, Peter Laugheed Park & Canmore which are within an hour away from where they live. Rodson has taken the bros to Radium Hot Springs as well in BC and he hopes to take them further given the right opportunities. Before Louie, Jasper and Rodson have flown to Toronto, Canada for a PetGuide Interview you can watch here!


Interview w/ Canadian Bros!  


Favorite place you have traveled?

Traveled with Jasper would have to be Jasper National Park and Waterton Lakes National Park, with Louie would be Radium When we stayed in Canmore at a pet friendly Lodge! Personally, without the Bros I recently travelled to Texas where it was very Dog Friendly so hopefully one day I can bring them there or New York! Our goal is to be able to travel on the road and connect with dog friendly accommodations while promoting one city to the next! 


How does an impact crate better your travels/life?  

Knowing I have Louie inside an impact crate as he is still a puppy gives me a peace of mind when traveling so it's definitely made life easier! It's also very easy to assemble which makes it so convenient for storing when I am not using it! I cannot wait for Jasper to have his own which would ensure safety for both my boys plus some epic travel photos of stacked Impact Crates! Louie has eased in comfortably even without bedding as it cools him off after a good run at the park since its summer.


What type of cool things do you get to see in Canada?  

We're very fortunate to have such a beautiful backyard within hours’ distance and we often have endless views of the Canadian Rockies!! In addition, we often see plenty of wildlife from Jack Rabbits, Deer, Big Horn Sheep, Mountains Goats, Elks, Black/Brown Bears and even Grizzly Bears are really a cool sighting!! At a distance of course. We are also celebrating Canada's 150 so there has been plenty of tourists which gives us the opportunity to meet new people when we're out adventuring into the national parks. Check out more here!


Favorite Dog Food Brand? 

Hands down Acana Pet Food!! Recently we've been collaborating with other food brands for treats as well. 


Favorite Toy Brand?

 Kong has survived plenty of teething days that's for sure!! They also love Rope Toys and Louie has finally learnt to fetch! 


Any other brands you guys love and use for your travels?

 We've collaborated with various companies in the past year which are in most of our postings on Instagram but have only been for the pups. I am open to working with outdoor gear as this is our goal moving forward which would enhance our adventures whether it's for the Jeep or outdoor essentials such as tents/sleeping bags and camping tools even canoe brands etc. 


Anything else you wanted to share about you and your pups?

 I never thought in a million years I'd have an Instagram account for my dog! But one company saw Jasper from my personal account which started it and one year later I registered CanadianBros as their own brand representing the City Living while maintaining an Outdoor lifestyle! That said, I've never felt so humbled by such a positive and amazing community all sharing the love for their pets! Last year we achieved our goal of 30+ Hikes and this year we challenged our friends/audience with #CanadianBrosFlagChallenge if interested please see details in the link below:


Fi Collar + 6 Month Membership
Impact Dog Crates
Freegift Threshold
Impact Dog Crates
Tom Davis: "No Bad Dogs." Signature Crate
Impact Dog Crates
Impact Collapsible Bracket (IATA)
Impact Dog Crates
Impact Vinyl Pad
Impact Dog Crates
Stationary Side Door Add-On
Impact Dog Crates