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25 Dog Breeds That Don't Shed

25 Dog Breeds That Don't Shed

There is no truth in the statement that dogs don’t shed their hair. However, there are breeds that are known to shed less hair as compared to other dog families. Due to this characteristic, they are referred to as “hypoallergenic” as their coat is also less problematic for people suffering from allergies. Hence, such individuals prefer adopting such dog breeds over others. 

You will be surprised to know that the American Kennel Club says that over 270 breeds are “hypoallergenic.” However, according to the VCA Animal Hospitals, there are no dog breeds that are absolutely hypoallergenic, but there are dog breeds that have a lesser potential to trigger allergies in people. 

Furthermore, it is necessary to keep in mind that despite some breeds being hypoallergenic, they still demand attention to be groomed on a regular basis so their coats remain healthy and reduce shedding as well. 

Apart from their hair, allergens can still be found in dander, urine, and saliva. Therefore, any individual dealing with an allergy but thinking of petting a dog, should take advice from their doctor or vet so there are no issues in sharing the same roof and even the room. 

If you have been thinking of adopting a dog but want to learn about the dogs whose breeds fall in the category of minimal shedding, then you are reading the correct blog. We will discuss about 25 dog breeds that don’t shed. 

what are hypoallergenic dogs


The List Of 25 Dogs Famous For Minimal Hair Shedding 

We are guessing that you are pretty excited to know the names and details of 25 dog breeds famous for minimal hair shedding. So, let’s spill the beans:

1. Poodle

The dog breed that secures the first position when it comes to minimum hair shedding is none other than a poodle. These are known for their intelligence and elegance and are found in three types of sizes, which are Standard, Miniature, and Toy. Yes, their curly coats frequently ask you to brush their hair to prevent matting. And, the good part is they shed very little. Hence, a poodle may not be a bad option in your case. 

2. Bichon Frise 

After that, you have the Bichon Frise. These dogs are playful and cheerful in nature. As far as the texture of their coat is concerned, it is curly and very dense, so you ought to brush regularly to reduce the chances of matting. And their shedding will not bother you much. 

3. Yorkshire Terrier

Even though small, Yorkshire Terriers instantly have your heart. These dog breeds step ahead with a long and silky coat that needs daily brushing or else their hair will get entangled with mats. Plus, their shedding capacity is not that high, so Yorkshire Terriers can be your new best friend. 

4. Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu’s are very sweet and gentle dogs. Their coats are long and flowy, which requires daily brushing to reduce the risk of matting. Plus, they will not leave your house messy with their hair as they do not shed much hair.

5. Maltese

These dogs are small and white in colour. How is their coat? Well, that is silky and long, which further means that regular brushing is required to discourage prevention, and because they shed very little, they are preferred by many people, especially those dealing with allergies. 

6 . Havanese

This dog breed steals the limelight with their wavy and long coat. Furthermore, Hxanese are pretty playful and cheerful dogs. If you pet them, then you will also be responsible for brushing their coat regularly so their hair does not mat. 

Hypoallergenic dog breeds photo


7. Lhasa Apso

The Tibetan-origin dog, Lhasa Apso, is alert and independent, and that is one of the major reasons pet owners prefer breeding these dogs. Besides, they have a dense and long coat that you have to brush and groom so it does not get entangled and form clumps. Keep the Lhasa Apso as they shed minimally and won't spoil our house with their hair around.

8. Chinese Crested

The Chinese Crested dog breed is present in two types. One is Powderpuff, and the other is Hairless. The former type has a silky, long coat that grows on its feet, head, tail, and ankles, which requires frequent grooming and brushing, while the latter has minimal shedding. 

9 .Bedlington Terrier

If you want a less shedding dog who is also athletic, then Bedlington Terrier is the dog you need. They are witty, sporty, and easy to train. What about their coats? That is curly, so you have to take out time from your hectic routine to brush their hair so there is no matting, and in this way, you will be grooming them as well. 

10. Kerry Blue Terrier 

Oh, isn't this dog breed adorable! Kerry Blue Terriers attract the attention of new dog owners, especially those who are looking for playful and easy-to-tame dogs. But bringing them home also comes with the responsibility of brushing their curly coats. Doing this keeps their coat hair in place and prevents matting. 

11. Irish Water Spaniel

Do you want an energetic companion to spend time with when you are alone at home? Then, get an Irish Water Spaniel. Their coat is pretty unique and curly but sheds very little, so you don’t need to fear sneezing all the time. However, you need to invest time in brushing their coat so there is no matting. 

12. Portuguese Water Dog

If this is the very first time that you will be purchasing a pet dog, then a Portuguese Water dog deserves a spot in your life. These dogs are going to amaze you with their intelligence and athletic personality. Do you need to brush the coat regularly? Yes, you do, as they have a wavy and dense coat, so regular grooming will only prevent their hair from getting entangled. Plus, less shedding means less mess and sparking of sneezing, skin rashes, or watery eyes. 

13. Standard Schnauzer

How about you make space in your home for the Standard Schnauzer? These dogs have wiry coats that do not shed as much as other dog breeds. Apart from that, they are very social and loving towards small children. Over here, you need to put in your efforts as their wiry fur needs to be hand-stripped and that too with a special kind of knife that you can purchase from your nearest dog store or online as well. This grooming has to be done at least twice a year. And for their beard and leg hair, you have to make the most out of the dog brush. If you have decided to bring in a Standard Schnauzer, then also keep in mind that this breed emerges with a strong will, so a stern hand is needed to train them. So, if you plan to train them yourselves, then better be strict or hire a trainer to fulfill the purpose. 

14. Miniature Schnauzer

The sibling of the Standard Schnauzer is the Miniature Schnauzer. Yes, even if they have a similar type of coat that you need to hand-strip but not with a knife, you will use a slicker brush over here to entangle their hair. So that whoever sees them appreciates the fact that you look after their grooming and are a responsible dog parent. 

Cute dog smiling photo


15. Border Terrier

The Border Terrier is one of the consumer’s preferences because they impress their owner and other people with their coats that are weather resistant. Due to this, you will not need to brush or hand strip them regularly, but twice a year will be more than enough. Apart from their low-maintenance fur coat, the Border Terrier is very alert and persistent in the field. One of the good parts about this breed is that they are fond of regular exercise, so you can easily take them to a nearby park and let them walk. Therefore, a border terrier will not trouble you from any angle. 

16. Basenji

If you desire to be a dog parent to a dog breed that requires brushing and bathing once or twice per year, then consider Basenji as fulfilling your wish. In this dog’s case, you will not need to leave your work midway to brush their coat. You can do the necessary grooming once a week with the help of a boar bristle brush or a rubber curry. However, during spring and autumn, you might have to increase the grooming times. You will be amazed to know that their overall short coats have a tendency to stay cleaner naturally, so you don’t need to shower them daily, as twice a year will be sufficient.

17.  Brussels Griffon

The Brussels Griffon will make you fall in love with them with their big eyes and minimal shedding coat. We are sure you must be asking how often you will have to groom them. The answer is that it depends on the type of Griffon you have. This dog breed has two kinds of coats which demand separate maintenance. One is the rough coat, and as a dog parent, you will need to hand-strip their hair every three months with additional brushing needed twice per week. While in the case of a smooth coat, you don’t need to hand strip with a brush or a knife. However, it's their beard where you will have to put in extra effort by grabbing that dog comb. This tool will come in handy while detangling their hair and removing any type of dust particles or debris their coat caught while roaming around.

18. Lagotto Romagnolo

Are you looking for a very energetic pup to play with you outdoors and indoors with minimum hair shedding? Then, a Lagotto Romagnolo is the dog that serves the purpose. This breed does not get tired that easily and neither will you find yourself cleaning your furniture due to their hair. Yes, you need to trim their curly coat every 10 to 12 weeks, which usually becomes a hassle in other breeds. Therefore, you will not spend your entire time grooming them but can also play with them outdoors. 

19. West Highland White Terrier

This breed is more famously known as Westies, and their low-shedding coat will give you peace of mind, especially if you have severe allergies. You will have fun taking them to the dog groomer every four to six weeks to trim their hair from their legs and keep them shorter on their back and tail with fluffy hair on their face. Therefore, the West Highland White Terrier will not trigger your allergies, nor will you feel compelled to give them ahead. So, make space for the new furry family members and have fun with them. 

20. Xoloitzcuintli

The picture of the Xoloitzcuinttli will encourage you to bring them home as they don’t even have a speck of hair, which means no dusting their hair off your bed or sofas and no sneezing around. On the one hand, you are saved from the hassle of brushing their coats, but on the other hand, you still have to look after their hygiene. Yes, you need to give them a proper bath after every couple of weeks. Here, take a damp cloth to wipe them thoroughly and even moisturize their legs with a good dog lotion so their skin does not get dry or feel ashy. Besides the regular cleaning, these dogs will not bother you in any way and become your go-to companion in no time. 

21. French BullDog

A French Bulldog’s features in the form of bat ears, a smooshy face, and the fact that their hair does not shed much attract dog lovers, and the next can be you as well. One of the best parts about owning this breed is that they don’t ask for high maintenance, but yes, you will have to take time daily to clean their facial folds, which are so adorable. Don’t assume that these dogs are gentle to handle, as they can surprise you with their stubborn nature. But, if you look at the brighter side, then these prove to be extremely loyal babies who will never abandon you, especially during bad days. Therefore, adopting a French Bulldog is a good idea as you can take care of each other in tough times. 

22. Beagle

In the category of dogs who don't shed, Beagle secures the 22nd position, and they deserve to be mentioned. You will not see yourself spending the majority of the day brushing its coat as it will be required more during fall and spring. Besides, these dogs will keep you busy throughout the day as they are super playful and carry the potential of startling you with their intelligence, which is lacking in other dog breeds, and will always be ready to take part in new challenges. If you belong to forces, then you can train these dogs to smell or carry out rough and tough tasks. Otherwise, they will give you a subtle hint of boredom in the shape of “bay,” which is a mixture of bark and howl, and they need an energetic activity.

23. Boxer

How can we forget to mention a Boxer? These dogs satisfy you with their tendency to low shedding. However, this can only happen when you maintain a regular brushing cycle by using a hound glove or a rubber curry brush. A boxer has a very muscular physique that might scare you, but you don’t need to worry as these are quite playful, silly, and very loyal creatures. Whoever in your social circle owns a Boxer will give you positive feedback regarding their loyalty. Therefore, this furry guy will not let you down. 

24. Bull Terrier

Yes, your friend told you right that even a Bull Terrier is often adopted by people due to their minimal shedding characteristic. Hence, that does not raise the bar of issues, especially for people dealing with allergies. So, you can bring this furry pal inside your home and maybe even share your room with it. All you have to do is take a brush and remove the dead or loose hair from their coat once a week, and then you both are good to go. Apart from their minimum shedding, they are very playful and full of energy therefore, you will never feel bored in their presence. 

25. American Staffordshire Terrier

When it comes to loyal and protective dogs, an American Staffordshire Terrier is the breed that can make you happier. Plus, they emerge with a short and smooth coat, so you will not need to brush them very frequently, but you can assign some days to do the honors. Just switch on the TV, put on his favorite show, and start brushing its hair from all over the body. You will observe that the brush gets hardly full as their shedding level is so low. 


Now that you know that dogs are not entirely hypoallergenic, there are some whose shedding rate is lower than that of other dogs, which stands out as good news for people suffering from allergies. So, you will not need to think twice before getting a dog, as you can pick any of the 25 dog breeds and have fun with them. 

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